Edify is Leading Inspiring Nurturing Empowering Young India

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CBSE Curriculum

MDN Edify Schools adopt and adapt the philosophy of CBSE to practice education for all without discrimination of any sort so that the needs of this age group are addressed. The prime focus of the schools is to a great extent the same as the Board. The school practices a skill based curriculum and is content driven too. The examination and evaluation processes are very dynamic to keep pace with the changing trends of research in education. It continuously works on innovations in teaching-learning methodologies by devising students’ friendly and students’ centered systems.

MDN Edify Schools believe education is for life and not for passing the grade 10th and 12th examinations. And so the curricula, the pedagogical practices and the wide choice of subjects offered are such that children are competent, qualified and productive human resource of tomorrow’s workplace. Children are given the space and democratic set up to enable them to develop the power of introspection and the belief that freedom comes with a responsibility, that ‘I am responsible for the choices I make, the decisions I take and the actions I get involved in’.

Children learn to solve problems through teamwork. They learn the skills of learning for continuous improvement. The classroom transactions are designed to generate inter-disciplinary knowledge through interactive sessions by creating opportunities for processing information. In today’s technology driven knowledge era, the above mentioned components are integral to the holistic development of children. Teachers in Edify Schools are facilitators in the true sense of the word as they model and coach the children providing the children with the required scaffolding to draw out their best potential.

Therefore MDN Edify Schools believe in a ‘healthy mind is in a healthy body’. Similarly a conducive, positive environment breeds sensitive, self motivated and goal oriented citizens who are proud of what and how they are. It opens windows for the children to the outside world through guest lectures, field visits and open forums so that children become perceptive of the competition in the real world. It counsels the children to choose careers intelligently to ensure that children excel in whatever they do.